V5 audio mapping with api connection




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    Andrey Terentyev


    Is it possible to use the API 2 way audio websocket connection with audio mapping?

    yes, it is. Please see our example on GitHub


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    Dean McAuley Harrington

    Andrey Terentyev Thanks for the reply! I have the 2 way audio part working. The issue is when the camera is audio mapped to another device,the audio does not come from the second device. Does that part work?

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    Dean McAuley Harrington

    Andrey Terentyev On further investigation, it appears that cameras that do not support audio natively are refused a connection by the websocket. Is there a way around this?

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    Andrey Terentyev


    On further investigation, it appears that cameras that do not support audio natively are refused a connection by the websocket. Is there a way around this?

    There is no workaround.

    There is something interesting and unusual in what you're writing. Could you please give more detailed on your setup? How cameras are/should be connected to speakers? Speakers to Server? Cameras to Server?

    What are camera and speaker models?

    Your information could shed a light on the up-to-date setups in the field and make us to think about the appropriate solution.

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    Dean McAuley Harrington

    I used the following article to try and connect an rtsp stream camera to a TOA IP horn speaker


    I connected them using the following steps:

    1. To transmit the audio to another device (Audio output/audio destination):
         a. Check the Enable 2-way audio option
         b. Select a camera from the dropdown.
      Note: 2-way audio option is now available for all devices with or without the function.

    I then used a web socket connection similar to the one in your github link to pass audio from my mic to the camera, hoping the audio  would come through the speaker.

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    Dean McAuley Harrington

    To add: I tested with a camera that supports audio : an IPC-HFW3549T1-AS-PV

    I connected this camera to the speaker using the article above. I was able to connect to this camera with my websocket and the audio came from the TOA IP horn speaker.

    When I try to connect to a camera that does not support audio the websocket connection is refused and so the audio does not get to the speaker.

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