Testcamera use frame timestamp when open from RTSP streaming API
I use Nx Witness
I used Testcamera with the following command,
testcamera files=<filename> --pts
The file came from previous recording clip in Nx Witness.
I would like to keep the timestamp in the video frame, so I set --pts in command, according to the document as below.
Then I used Video API to get RTSP streaming url. When I pulled the stream, it seemed that Nx server reset the timestamp to current time.
Is there any way to keep the timestamp in the recording video frame when I open the RTSP stream served from Nx server?
Thank you.
Hello Yihsuan_Hsue,
Then I used Video API to get RTSP streaming url. When I pulled the stream, it seemed that Nx server reset the timestamp to current time.
That's expected behavior.
Set the "Trust camera timestamp" option (disabled by default) on the "Expert" tab of the "Camera settings" window.
Please see in this article https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044549093-How-does-Nx-Server-RTSP-Streaming-Work- how to use the onvif_replay parameter. It might help, too.
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