"Camera Recording" rule inherit camera from generic event metadata




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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Austin Smith
    Thanks for this, it sounds like a great improvement we can add.

    We are currently working on a new rules engine, which we hope will be included in the product after the next release. New rules engine will allow "dynamic parameters".

    Also -- can you describe the full scenario, why do you need multiple cameras to start recording? What is the event in the real world that triggers that?

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    Austin Smith

    Hi Tagir, admittedly, our use case may be somewhat specific. We have developed an integration between the VMS platform and some 3rd party systems. 3rd party systems output events, we receive them, and then send those events as generic events & bookmarks to VMS for specific cameras, depending on configuration of the particular event. We simply want to ensure there is always recorded video for the events we are sending.

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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Yea, thx for the clarification!

    for specific cameras, depending on configuration of the particular event

    I was just trying to figure out why would someone want to record multiple cameras for one event. But I can assume that it is several cameras pointed in the same area. And when some event appears from that area, we want it to be recorded from different angles. 

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    Austin Smith

    Correct. Though that is all configurable on our side. There may be multiple cameras for a given event, or there may be just one. Either way, we will send the "generic event" with the required "cameraRefs" (could be one-to-many), and we simply want to be able to create a rule that says "record video" for whichever camera or cameras are passed in with the generic event.

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