C2P - feature request




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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Mateusz Kaczmarek
    Hi! Thanks for your ideas!

    All seem relevant and we are planning them. But can you elaborate on scenarios, what are you trying to achieve, what service are you building?

    And how this new functionality falls into user scenarios?

    Also, regarding the 3rd: maybe implementing a call that returns current playback time is enough? As MVP. You can call it as frequently as you want. I understand the callback function may be useful in some scenarios, but in this case, it sounds like you can check the state on the webpage side.

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    Mateusz Kaczmarek


    Thank you for your response. 

    Our services are mostly integrations with Access Control, POS and ANPR.

    1. User is searching for some data on WebPage with C2P and get the result (result is a list of timestamps and text)
    2. Data is returned, layout is set with predefined cams which are relevent for the data. Time is also set
    3. User change layout (add another camera or change sizes or positions of elements)
    4. User clicks on timestamps (whichever user wants) and now layout is set the one from step 2, but we would like to leave it like after step 3 (1st idea). Time is set and playback is paused but we want to play it automaticly or choose when to play (2nd idea)
    5. Regarding 3rd idea, we would like to highlight timestamps on webpage, depending on the current playback time. This will allow user to follow the data of process during playback. Any way to check if its currently playing and what is the current time would be fine for us. Callback sounds good, beacuse there is no unecesery checking and works fine regardless of the playback speed :) 
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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Thanks, Mateusz Kaczmarek

    We hope we will include at least some improvements to our browser API in our upcoming releases.
    so all of this is in the roadmap, but unfortunately with no solid ETA

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