Regular (every 10 minutes) gaps in recording for all 50+ cameras.




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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hello Dominic,

    Thanks for the proactive logs and troubleshooting steps attachment!

    I clearly see why you see those gaps from the below log entry popping up every 10 minutes:

    2020-08-11 10:44:47.679   1855    INFO nx::vms::time_sync::ServerTimeSyncManager(0x7f06f80a13a0, {c0f135e4-ad75-d5db-3813-83c4bc515b18}): Set sync time to the new value 1597108489965. Difference between new and old value is 65991ms

    For the unknown reason Server detects the clocks to have ~1 minute shift every 10 minutes. Re-sync causes the gaps to appear.

    We would like to investigate what causes that fact. If you don't mind, we'd like to issue the support ticket where we proceed with the hands-on troubleshooting. Please let me know your decision.

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    Dominic Ashfield

    Hi Sergey,

    Thank you for getting back to me - I really do appreciate it.

    Please go ahead and create a ticket for this issue and let me know if there is anything at all I can do to be of assistance.

    Have a great day!

    Kind regards,


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