How to convert each frame into image in network optix plugin?
AnsweredI am using NX VMS version= In this metasdk, I am working on sample (Hello World) plugin.
In pushUncompressedVideoFrame I am receiving frame one by one. I want to save this file to call an external API.
1. How to store this frame as an image?
2. Is there anyway I can convert this image into bs64 (base 64) string?
Hello Mohamed,
pushUncompressedVideoFrame is given a pointer to IUncompressedVideoFrame, which inherits from IUncompressedVideoFrame0 which in turn inherits from IUncompressedMediaFrame.
IUncompressedMediaFrame has a member
virtual const char* data(int plane) const = 0;
The data member returns a pointer to actual frame data.
You can copy or save or send or covert this data depending on your application needs.
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