Plugin is not working
AnsweredI followed official docs to familiar with plugins. using the docs I have create
I put this .so file into /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin/plugins. I didn't get any plugin on my client machine. Then I moved file from /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin/plugins_optional. Now, I am getting plugin on my client application. Similarly I tried, this is also working.
I have two questions
1. What is the use of file?
2. where can I find code for file?
> I followed official docs to familiar with plugins. using the docs I have create
It is essential that a plugin must be built using the SDK version compatible with a certain Media Server software version. Most likely this is the case.
Please make sure you use the same SDK pack build as your server version.
E.g. if you use MetadataSDK for version 4.1.0 and try to put it to server version 4.0 it won't load. And vice versa.Let me know your Media Server full version(all numbers, like and I'll send you the correct MetadataSDK package to use with it.
> 1. What is the use of file?
Quoting our knowledge base article, it demonstrates the usage and implementation of all Metadata (Analytics) SDK features.
Literally all features of the MetadataSDK are shown there. E.g. it shows a feature of the moving objects bounding boxes. Of course the objects are virtual - nothing is actually detected.
If you want to create your own plugin, you could take it as a basis, add your own code which will be for example detecting something and replace the "virtual" object detection data with the real one.> 2. where can I find code for file?
It is available in the metadata_sdk/samples/sample_analytics_plugin_src directory after you extract the archive.Once again, make sure you use the correct sdk version.But we have started to build it not so long ago.
This recent MetaSDK release have it: -
Hello Mohamed,
Probably, you could check this post as well.
It might be your case. -
Hello Mike D,
You could try follow this topic pinned on the top of the Developer Forum Getting started with plugin development
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