Face Detection - Objects detected but no metadata
AnsweredI am trying integrate opencv face detection. I have modfied the stub analytics plugin by adding detection and extraction of video frame (bgr) in method pushUncompressedVideoFrame(). I am able to detect the faces and log the data. I need guidance in passing these face boxes and displaying them in the video feed.
I have modded m_objectContexts vector and in the pushUncompressedVideoFrame(), I am pushing the detected objects and setting their bounding boxes. (have another function in abstractobject to set the position).
How can I get the objects into my VMS. I can see the list being populated, but I am not able to see the screenshot data that VMS captures and nor the object detection on the video.
Also I see that the objects generated randomly have x,y Width and Height floating point values eg. 0.112424 where as real values that I obtain are of the order of 199 166 etc.. What is the conversion factor?
I'm not sure if that solves your problem, but you have to convert the rectangle you are getting from OpenCV to the nx::sdk::analytics::Rect so that the coordinates are in [0, 1]. You can use this snippet (width and height are the frame dimensions):
nx::sdk::analytics::Rect convertCvRectToNxRect(cv::Rect rect, int width, int height)
return {
/*x*/ (float) rect.x / width,
/*y*/ (float) rect.y / height,
/*width*/ (float) rect.width / width,
/*height*/ (float) rect.height / height,
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