Schedule - Make it possible to schedule minutes too, not just hours.

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    Sergey Bystrov

    Fredrik, the fear is it would make things more complicated for the majority of users. 

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    Tomasz Polus

    Hi Fredrik Ahlsen

    I've read all your posts on this forum. We have very similar understanding of what is necessary in Nx platform to make it more professional VMS (although we like it very much).

    Two years ago we sent Nx a suggestion to improve the scheduler because currently it is very poor. Welll of course people need to setup schedules in minutes, or at least each 15 minutes !!! All customes who need alarm system integration ask me us about this and we still have no solution from Nx. So we have to solve this problem on our own by creating our own task schedulers in operating system to run scripts, to enable/disable rules in Nx server, which is a big pain for us all and for the customers too.

    Once again, we kindly ask Nx to improve the scheduler. Don't worry about some stupid people who cannot use scheduler. Most of us are IT specialists who exactly know what a scheduler should look and work like.

    Also, we cannot copy schedule (in recording operation copy is possible) and also there are no special days (public holidays, days off, vacation days etc), which is a must in all professional schedulers.


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