Server storage Disks
AnsweredHi there -
Looking to understand the storage disk requirements for a Nx Server.
Assume single server that has an SSD for OS.
Need to connect around 65X 2MP X 24fps cameras @ motion recording for 50%, storing for 30 days . The result is approx. 45TB.
Are there any written specs. for storage disks ?
Suggested Read/Write speeds ?
I suggest you tu use a RAID Adapter, like Perc on Dell servers, in order to create a physical RAID (5 or 6), which is more powerful than a software RAID.
For the disks, you can use 6Gb/S SATA or 12Gb/s SAS . I personnally didn't notice any changes if your disks are good quality. You can check for Western Digital disks, there is a special videosurveillance disk designed to read/write 24/24
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