Is It Possible to Update Camera Stream URLs via API?
In ProgressHi,
I would like to know if it’s possible to update the streamUrls parameter of a device using the API.
I attempted to use the PATCH /rest/v3/devices/{id} endpoint to update the stream URL of a camera, but it doesn’t seem to work. Below is the request body I used:
"streamUrls": {
"1": "rtsp://"
Could you confirm whether this is the correct method to update the streamUrls parameter, or let me know if there’s an alternative approach?
Thank you for your assistance!
It is impossible for the resource registered as the camera over the autodiscovery process or manually adding over the ip address specification.
Server is retrieving the url directly from the camera as the result of the profile configuration process based on the high-level parameters such as bitrate, resolution and encoding setting.
It is possible to edit the streams only for the video sources added as Generic RTSP streams.
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