CompletedWhat is the RTSP URL from NX Witness to a TVT Camera via TVT NVR
Would it be possible for you to provide additional context to us regarding the request?
The VMS ingests RTSP/ONVIF streams in, it doesn't directly within the client provide an additional output RTSP stream option.
But, there are avenues for other similar options (WebRTC for example).
So, if possible, please provide additional context and we'll answer as best we can.
Thank you.
Thanks for replying,
We have NX Witness as our camera management App. In the plant there are a number of TVT NVRs which have TVT cameras connected to them. The cameras are on the NVRs internal network. What we need to do is get access to the cameras directly into NX Witness for viewing and recording.
The NVR is TD-3008H1 and the cameras are TVT-D2.8POE
Thank you for the additional information.
The usual implementation that we see is that the NVR device is added within the client and the cameras are accessible that way.
However, if you need to, you can add the individual RTSP streams of the cameras instead as a device (you would do this by inputting the RTSP address in the device IP field when adding a device).
The camera's themselves would have their own separate RTSP streams and you can usually find those within the camera admin portal itself if need be.
In short: You will want to add the camera's RTSP streams (or add via ONVIF) within the client to be able to access the streams from the client.
Additional information regarding how to add devices so you can view them within NX Witness can be found here:
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