Confuguring Archive Storage




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    Michael Palmer

    Thank you for your questions.

    You are largely correct in your assessment, however I think it could be easier to understand broken up like this:

    * It's better to think of it as the "auto" settings are a default for managing storage, basically instead of using a min/max value to manage your archive you're instead just telling the system you want to keep as many archives as possible up to the point of the storage filling up and only after that are you allowing archive footage to be deleted.

    * When setting a min/max setting, you're instead telling the system that you require a minimum of X days of recordings available (X being whatever you prefer to set) and the max setting is the point to which recordings will start to be deleted. So instead of waiting until the drive is full before recordings are deleted, you can better manage your disk space and implement retention policies using the min/max setting. If none of that matters to you though, then keeping the auto setting is also an acceptable configuration in most instances.

    Please let us know if there are any further questions or concerns. Thank you.

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    Hi, Palmer.

    Thank you for your answer.

    I have an additional question.

    According to the User Manual:
    "Disk is full – (A)There is a required reserved space of approximately 10-30GB for local storage or 50-100GB for NAS devices. When available disk space reaches that threshold, the oldest data will be overwritten by new data. (B)If available storage drops below this threshold, the Server will write data to the disk but instantly erase it."

    (Question 1)
    "keep as many archives as possible up to the point of the storage filling up"
    You answered for my previous inquiry.

    According to (A), in the case of local storage, when the "automatic" setting is set, recording files will start to be deleted when the remaining capacity reaches 30GB. In the case of NAS, when the "automatic" setting is set, recording files will start to be deleted when the remaining capacity reaches 100GB.

    Do I understand correctly?

    (Question 2)
    I have difficulty understanding (B). Because if (B) is correct, I think this function is wrong. I understood (B) as follows:
    "When the available storage space falls below the threshold, newly saved files are deleted immediately. In other words, new recording files are not saved."
    Could you please explain this?

    (Question 3)
    Is it okay to use it by setting it to either "Minimum and Auto" or "Auto and Max"?

    Thank you.

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    Michael Palmer


    1) Yes, you understand that correctly.

    2) This is a scenario that in and of itself should be rare. Usually the only situation that would result in a drive space inexplicably using less than the threshold is when the drive is being used for other functions (ie. storing other data not relevant to the VMS that can cause the size of the available space to shrink further) or potentially in scenarios where the archive index has become altered in some manner and requires a rebuild.

    With that said, this statement in the guide is to direct you to how we would handle such scenarios if that were to occur. The explanation provided simply means that if that scenario occurs, then the VMS will write a new video to the archive on the drive, however it will immediately erase that video with a new archive video that it begins recording. So instead of simply stating that we "don't record new archives" we are advising instead that we do write the archive still, however the video resulting from it will immediately be overwritten by the next archive that it begins writing.

    3) I see no reason why there would be an issues with running a mixture of both settings.

    I do want to iterate that these settings are simply there to provide a more customizable experience for how archive data is stored on a camera to camera basis. Min and Max settings are there so you can have greater control over which camera archives are prioritized over others (ie. you can set a higher max for one camera that's very important to retain data for longer periods of time, and then set the next camera that's not as important to maybe only retain up to 24 hours of recordings).

    Otherwise, while set at Auto, the prioritization can be split evenly among all cameras, which may be perfectly fine for most people, but again, for those that want that extra custom step these settings exist.

    Thank you, please let us know if there are any further questions.

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