Please advise or recommend.
CompletedHi all,
I am facing an error of Nx prompting error of HDD/SDD is slowing down recording for camera.
Attached a picture of the errors:
I am trying to setup 4 x 10TB HDD with RAID 1.
May i ask what can be the fault from and what can i do to resolve.
Thank you.
This usually would indicate a hardware limitation. This could be because of too many other read/write actions impacting the ability for the VMS to write recorded data as well. It could also indicate a bad drive, if you’re doing a RAID 1 then it could take just 1 bad drive out of the 10 to result in something like this.
I’d suggest investigating this from the hardware perspective and check the direct read/write speeds of the drives. If you see high latency on those actions on the drives then that would the root cause.
An easy solution if available would be to use SSDs instead. Even though the error states SSD, in practice SSDs rarely (if ever, as I’ve never experienced it) have these types of issues because the I/O latency is super low compared to even the fastest spinning HDDs.
Thank you.
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