object panel show two images from camera directly at a time




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    Currently it's possible to achieve such result only if a plugin sends a best shot using a part of the recorded video.

    You can check this behavior on one of our stub plugins -- Stub, Best Shots.

    Also, you can refer to this plugin source code for more information.

    Feel free to reach us if you need more help!

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    I would also want to add, that in the 6.1 version we are adding a new possibility to provide a Title and a Title Image along with the best shots mechanism. A Title, if provided, will be displayed in the card in the right panel and in the advanced search instead of object type name. A Title Image will be displayed in the preview panel in the advanced search. For example, you can put license plate number as a text in a title, so users may easily search for it later, and put cropped license plate image in the title image, so users can double check in the advanced search whether the number was detected correctly. Maybe this will also help you to develop a user-friendly plugin using our new functionality and achieve best results.

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