The Desktop Client from master branch build error : "internal error"




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    Sergey Yuldashev


    I have just successfully finished the build from the sources from scratch.

    1. Did you follow the build section of literally as advised there?
      It states that build.bat should be used as an example. It contains all the necessary commands in the necessary order for both code generation and build.
      What happens if you just launch the script from the source directory that is freshly downloaded from the github and does not have anything cached and left over from the previous attempts?
    2. If you see the same internal compiler error, try the following actions(one after another):
    • Update the Visual Studio 2022 with compiler and related devtools to the latest stable version
    • Reboot and try again
    • Track the RAM in use - if you see it spiking to the top, try to build the client on the machine with higher RAM capacity. From my personal experience it is better to have 32+ GB available.

    If the build.bat scripts finishes successfully - try to replicate the same commands and figure out what's different was in your scenario.

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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Please disregard the above statement to have the latest version of the compiler. As it might be the root cause for some internal compiler errors.

    After talking to our build engineers we figured out that to build the software you need to have the compiler version 19.38.33135 or older.

    In order to accommodate that you could use a local solution of installing the MSVC toolset v143 and C++ v14.38 for v143 build tools installed as a separate components:

    So the updated recommendations are:

    • Use the VSC 2022 with the compiler version 19.38.33135 or older
    • Reboot and try again
    • Track the RAM usage


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    Andrey Terentyev


    I managed to reproduce the issue and confirm that the recommendations given solve it.

    After installing the packages, clear the nx_open-build folder before the next building attempt.

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