Trying to send information recived from milesigh by TCP




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    Jaemyn Kinney

    Is this related to the one above?

    The placeholders handle analytic event data but not analytic object data.

    It sounds like an integration was written to get those objects going.

    Can you double up rules on milesight? Just make a duplicate to hit the servers web API to generate a generic/analytic event and then pull data from there.

    You could also write a middle are to go between the comms and try intercept your data there.

    Or the nodes thing in their GitHub might work.

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    Ramon Mormeneo Ferrer

    Yeah it's releated to that post, I will tell you now what my superior has said the problem is, to try and solve this problem:


    The problem we are facing is that we currently receive the data from the cameras via http post to our cloud. When Nx connects to the Milesight camera it forces data to be sent via TCP and disables the HTTP post connection. For this reason we would like to find a way to have access to information from NX since we are integrating all the functions of NX into our platform.

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    Jaemyn Kinney

    That's tricky.

    As the NX team said, that's something they need to implement for you to access and forward that data.

    With honestly feels like the best long term solution so all data funnels to NX then to you.

    Outside of that check if NX or Milesight developed the integration and reach out to the team that did for help. I have an idea of a Hacky work around for you, my coding skills are enough to know it can be done but not enough to do it or detail.

    You could implement a proxy server(proxyay be the wrong word) that takes any server comms and sends it on to the camera as normal. That should be some conditional routing (I hope) the fun part is the TCP plate data coming back, you'd need the same server to catch this data, extract what you need, then generate a request to hit what un-integrated milesight was hitting

    Sorry I can't be more help for you here but I'm not a Dev, just a PACS support agent who can manage to use postman to automate stuff :D

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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hi Ramon,

    Here what you could do.

    1. Configure an event rule to trigger the "Do HTTP Request" action on the "Analytics Object Detected" event.

    The "Do HTTP Request" action would notify your external service.

    2. Once notified, your external service could invoke the  /ec2/analyticsLookupObjectTracks API and process the data returned according to the logic you need (filter by object type, time etc.)


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    Campbell Steven

    Andrey Terentyev Are there any plans to expose the analytic object data so a single outbound request can be made using "Do HTTP Request" on event rule trigger? I understand your work around above, but it would be really nice to be able to pass this as a single request at the time of the event. My use specific use case is ALPR cameras and being able to pass licence plate data in an outbound HTTP request on event trigger.

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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hello Steven,

    > My use specific use case is ALPR cameras and being able to pass licence plate data in an outbound HTTP request on event trigger.

    You can use a Generic Event for that. Read more about Generic Event type  in the built-in manual.

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