Passlist Script




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    Adam Pryor

    Hi Rhaphiel,

    Typically, Windows users either already have, or install python on their Windows systems to be able to natively run the script from Windows CLI.

    However, forming this into an .exe is a great idea that we will be exploring in the future. I will pass this idea on.

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    Rhaphiel Molinar

    The majority of our servers that are sold to customers are Windows servers and do not have python natively installed.  While it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to do so, sometimes these servers are in locations that will make installing new software troublesome (and are the locations that most often need to have that passlist tested).  Additionally, most of our user base has no idea how to actually use scripts, even with provided instruction.  I can understand and respect the mentality of what Nx deals with in relation to their direct customers, but this is more to act as a helpful extension to the customers of Nx's customers.


    If it's not done, no biggie, but I just thought it would be a helpful suggestion for folks who aren't familiar with python scripts and how to use them.

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