Full Backup Of Cloud Merged Systems




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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Joel Sabine hi
    I appreciate the feedback. With gen6, we will introduce a new entity called Organization. Effectively, it's a group of Systems managed under one Org. Users of Org will be stored in the Cloud database at all times. Any system connected to Org will automatically receive all users from the Org. So connecting/disconnecting from the Cloud won't cause issues as before. You won't need to add users again after you connect to Org.

    Also, we expect less Cloud merge issues moving forward, as 
    1) we plan to advise having one system per physical location
    2) we made some improvements so that when merge fails, there is no need to rebuild the system from scratch completely, and it is possible to try merging again


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    Joel Sabine

    Tagir Gadelshin 

    This sounds like a great solution, I'm looking forward to using this as I can already think of quite a few customers who would benefit from the new Org structure.

    Thanks for the update,


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