At Jetson Orin Nano, Hardware ID changes every time it reboots. It invalidates a license.

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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hello Jason,

    Long time not seen. :)

    Thanks for reporting the issue.

    This solved but I doubt I could use this workaround.

    Could you please give more details what restricts you of using the solution you've found?


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    Jason Shim

    Hi Andrey,


    I hope you are well. ;)

    I have not tested whether the mediaserver.conf is intact or not when Nx Witness is uninstalled or is upgraded by in-client update. What is your policy? Do you keep it or rewrite all of files?

    If some of key files were kept, I think we can use the workaround. Otherwise, we have to tell customers instructions.



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    Maria Smith

    Following for same issue.

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