Support mTLS Client Certificate Authentication in Client/Server
<I would like NX Witness / DW Spectrum to provide mTLS client certificate authentication in both the Mobile / Desktop Clients and the Server. Currently you can only provide a custom certificate to the server, but cannot prevent clients based on a provided client certificates.>
<Client Certificate Authentication allows a security-in-depth defense against unwanted clients and allows the site admin the ability to open up direct access to their installations.>
Business impact of the limitation or the missing feature
<A version of this can be achieved through the NX Witness Cloud, but it's slow compared to direct access to the installation. (10-20 seconds to connect vs <1-2s to connect directly to the NX Witness Installation.)>
<I'll file a separate request for this, but ideally the Mobile Client would switch between locally connecting to the local server over multicast and connecting to NX Witness Cloud remotely. Currently, once on NX Witness Cloud, it will default to that even if you are again on the local LAN, making load times slow. (See above.)
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