Folders for layouts
In ProgressHi,
We have plan on having lots of layouts, is it possible to group relevant layouts together in folders, similar to how you can group cameras together?
For example, a folder for all our floor plan layouts, and then a different folder for layouts used for a particular operation, and another folder for a different operation etc.
I was about to post this myself. This would be very helpful for customers with numerous server/cameras on a system that need to have their locations setup into sub-categories.
For example, in a hospital:
∟West Wing Layout Folder
∟ICU Layout
∟Operation Layout
∟Aux./Triage Layout
∟ West Wing Hallways Layout
∟East Wing Layout Folder
∟Infant Layout
∟Children Layout
∟Labor & Delivery Layout
∟East Wing Hallways Layout
∟Center Hall Layout Folder
∟Cafeteria Layout
∟ Lobby Layout
∟Security Office Layout
∟ Entry/Exit Layout
Kieran Robin Koch Robin Koch Rhaphiel Molinar this is planned in 6.1
Great to hear! Thanks Tagir Gadelshin
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