Obtain the System IDs under an NX Cloud account via an API
AnsweredWe have multiple systems attached to the same NX cloud account, and would like to get all system IDs under the cloud account. Is this possible to do so via an API?
Yes, that's possible.
You could use Cloud API, documented here https://meta.nxvms.com/cdb/docs/api/v1/swagger/index.html#/
The endpoint you need is
Before invoking it, you should authenticate to the Cloud. Here is a code example https://github.com/networkoptix/nx_open_integrations/blob/master/python/examples/authentication/cloud_bearer.py
Here is how you could modify the code to get information needed.
def main():
oauth_payload = create_payload()
oath_response = request_api(CLOUD_URL, f'/cdb/oauth2/token', 'POST', json=oauth_payload)
primary_token = get_token(oath_response)
oath_response = request_api(CLOUD_URL, f'/cdb/oauth2/token', 'POST', json=oauth_payload)
secondary_token = get_token(oath_response)
primary_token_header = create_header(primary_token)
system_info = request_api(CLOUD_URL, f'/cdb/system/get', 'GET',
headers=primary_token_header, verify=False)
secondary_token_header = create_header(secondary_token)
request_api(CLOUD_URL, f'/cdb/oauth2/token/{primary_token}', 'DELETE', headers=secondary_token_header)
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