Bookmark Search for exclusion
In ProgressHi,
It would be interesting to have the Bookmark search to work similarly like Google, where we can use '-temp' to show all results that do NOT include the word "temp" in them.
If there is something that is creating too many bookmarks, which might still be usefull, it makes it hard to show all the filter without including the one that happens the most, but with this exclusion option it might be interesting.
Edge/problematic cases will be the ones where a bookmark or a caption of an event has the - character in them, but a way around that would for the exclusion to work only with a specific syntax like -"%text".
Search input -> -"temp"
the -"%text" results in a filter without %text and the user is forced to use this syntax.
Thanks for the idea. we have plans (though not solid) to improve our search further and add more syntax. Recently we added a search in the middle of a string, for instance, so when searching BCD it'll find ABCDF
Useful for LPR
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