
Iwan Bourgonje

  • Total activity 43
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  • Votes 8
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Recent activity by Iwan Bourgonje Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Recorded Video


    How can a user see recorded video from a camera without being able to see live images at that moment.

  • How to install NX Witness application in kiosk mode of windows 10


    The HD Witness Launcher.exe does not work in the Kiosk mode of Windows 10 when I offer it as a Win32 app called AUMID. The AUMID is required for Win32 Apps under kiosk mode. I can't use other exe f...

  • Install paramaters


    I'm looking for the parmaters needed to run a silent install /uninstall  for the nxwitness-client-   i want to bypass the eula agreement we want to use the application on a win...

  • sso connection


    How can I connect with sso to our network? We want to link the users from ms Active directory / azure /office 365 I now use the ldap option, but that's where the sAMAcointName is used instead of th...

  • Thumbs on ipad


    Hi is it possible to get large thumbs on ipad/iphone we want to see 4 camera's in full screen , just like the desktop app  or is the another way to publish that.