
Stefaan Joos

  • Total activity 34
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  • Votes 3
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Recent activity by Stefaan Joos Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Soft triggers control panel


      How would i be able to create this?: I found an example of a system that shows a menu of soft triggers and a custom view of each control panel. How can this be built, i cannot find any informatio...

  • Using the camera of a jetson or pi on NX


    I'm used to integrating onvif devices/rtsp streams on nx, can i also use the onboard camera of a jetson or pi, directly on nx? Anybody that tried this before? A setup like this:

  • Logical functions

    It would be really interesting to create logical functions, if, an alarm1 is active, then, play a sound, else, play another sound. If output camera's is on, then, alarm1 is not active.   And so on,...