With Cloud Relay and the /rest/v1/licenses API endpoint, how does the relay determine which server the licenses is bound to?
AnsweredIdeally, I'd like to not specify a licenseBlock, but I'm trying to determine how the relay selects which server it will use for licenses.
For example:
/rest/v1/system/info returns two servers for one system.
how the relay selects which server it will use for licenses.
Relay does not select, it just forwards requests to a Server in the system.
How can I determine which server will be used?
The licenseBlock stores HWID, which can be searched in what the /ec2/getHardwareIdsOfServers returns.
Thanks Andrey Terentyev
In testing, this is working. It returns a 503 if the server is offline it seems.
Related, is there currently any /cdb/ endpoint that will return the server ID's for a system? I know I can use the relay call to /rest/v1/servers, but curious if I could pull server ID's from the cloud.
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