Self-signed root certificate EXPIRED - unable to renew it!




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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Warren Bull,

    If you mean the default certificate that was issued by Nx, it should be auto-renewed after upgrading to 5.0.
    If you are talking about a self-signed certificate from another issuer, you need to contact the certificate provider for certificate renewal.

    Could you share the screenshot of the Mediaserver certificate with us? It will be more clear for us about your problem.
    Thank you.

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    Warren Bull

    I’m referring to The default self signed certificate that the server creates for itself. 

    There seems to be  2 certificates:

    The First one:

    The Second One:

    How do we just delete the expired one?

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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Warren Bull,

    Thanks for your screenshot.
    Both certificates are issued by Nx itself. However, typically it shouldn't happen. 
    I could just guess Nx cannot update/modify the original file for some reasons(e.g., user privilege).
    Are you installed the Nx in the Ubuntu platform?

    To fix this problem, please follow the instruction below:
    1. Stop the mediaserver service
    2. Go to the certificate path
    - Windows

    C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Network Optix\Network Optix Media Server\ssl

    - Ubuntu


    3. Remove cert.pem.
    4. Restart the mediaserver service. 

    I'm looking forward to your update. Thanks.

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    Warren Bull

    Hi Wendy

    Your solution worked! Thank you for your assistance.

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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Warren Bull,

    Nice to know it works on your side. Could you share which platform are you running with, Linux or Windows?

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    Warren Bull

    Hi Wendy, Windows 10. Cheers

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    Dan Grant

    I had the same issue and this worked for me too thanks..     Ubuntu 18.04

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