Cloud Access




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    Anderson Chang

    Hi Kirk,

    Currently, Nx Witness Client does not support the proxy connection.
    Nx Witness Client is just a software application which follows the OS networking rules and settings.

    Do you meet any issues while connecting via the proxy?

    Thank you.

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    Hi Anderson Chang

    We have a large corporate company we have deployed some remote server and connected to cloud over 4G and merged but there pc’s cant can login to the cloud on the client software but the systems are showing unreachable

    There IT team have stated below

    "PC's have direct access to internet – we use a cloud proxy & all outbound web traffic goes via that

    NXWitness client Does not pick up the PC’s browser proxy setting – so tries to send web traffic direct & is getting dropped  (by design)

    NXcloud via browser works, because the traffic goes via the proxy specified in the pc’s browser"

    Any solution around this so they can use the client software to connect?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Kirk,

    If you can grant me access to the cloud instance, I can change something that forces a Proxy connection, and stop the attempt to connect via NAT.

    If this is possible, I'll convert this topic to a support ticket, to share information privatly.

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    Ali Bacon

    Hi Norman,

    I am interested to know whether you managed to force traffic through a Proxy connection for Kirk?



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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Ali Bacon,

    We were able to force a proxy connection.

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    Ali Bacon

    Hi Norman,

    Are you able to share how this was done either directly to me or via this discussion?

    We are trying to do the same. So far without success.
    We are currently running NX Witness 5 on a Linux server. We have tried to route the traffic through the system network proxy settings and also the NX Witness routing management.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Ali Bacon,

    It is a setting we have to do, but why do you think you need a fixed proxy connection?
    The default setting is that when a NAT connection isn't possible, the system will use a Proxy connection automatically. 


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    Ali Bacon

    Hi Norman,

    Currently the NX Witness box is connected to the internet via a 4G modem.
    This will soon change to be connected through our network.
    Our Information Security team prefers the traffic to be routed through their network proxy server.
    Furthermore, I need to submit an internal request to our IT management, Information Security and Product evaluation team for the NX Witness software to be approved for use within FedEx.

    It will be much easier to obtain this approval if the network traffic can be routed through a proxy server whereby it enables the Information Security team to monitor that traffic.

    Please feel free to email me directly if you wish.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Ali Bacon,

    Forcing proxy for the Nx Cloud forces the connection through our servers, and doesn't solve anything for your customer if they want to route it through their own proxy server.

    If that is what they want, a VLAN or port forwarding is the way to go.

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    Ali Bacon

    Hi Norman,

    You are correct with your understanding of what we want to do, which is route the NX Witness traffic through our own proxy server.

    Are you able to advise with regards to VLAN or port forwarding as to how that should be configured and what changes may need to occur to the NX Witness server?


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Ali Bacon,

    There is not much to advise from our side. The default port is 7001 for the server application and if you tell this to the SysAdmin, he/she will know what to do to set up the proxy connection.

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    Ali Bacon

    Thanks again Norman. What about Routing Management within NX Witness. Should any changes be made to that configuration?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Ali Bacon,

    The is no need to configure anything in the setting of Nx Witness, unless the IT staff wants a different port than the default 7001 port.

    If the IT staff demands a different port value, you can change it in the Nx WebAdmin:

    1. Select Settings.
    2. Select the appropriate Server.
    3. Change the Port number to the desired value.
    4. Click Save.

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    Ali Bacon

    Thank you Norman. I appreciate the time you have provided to have this conversation.


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