Export+share function in the Nx Witness Mobile app

In Progress



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    Tristan Stania

    YES PLEASE...................

    We have a cloud doorbell camera, can export video direct to facebook to share what the thieves look like in a matter of minutes....

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    John Griffin

    Additional +1. This is the number 1 complaint from my customers is the inability to export from their phone, and the inability to even add bookmarks from the mobile app so that they can download from a PC later. These features are absolutely essential for camera system management in 2022.

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    Tristan Stania

    It seems these forums are not very active at all, nor listened too. I'm guessing not many people use NX Witness? My understanding the product is also sold under a different name? 

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Nathanaël Nettenbreijer, John Griffin, and Tristan Stania,

    Thank you, for using our software!

    We haven’t added an export feature in our Nx Mobile application yet. But I think that’s an awesome idea! In fact, it is already present in our backlog. I don’t have an ETA from the team behind it yet, since there are many requests for the Nx Mobile app to fulfill.

    The sharing request hasn't been noted yet, but I'll make sure our team is aware of such feature.

    Tristan Stania,

    As you might have noticed, in past period of time, some significant changes were processed in this community, most noticeable the reduction of the number of sections, so people can find information and submit requests more easily in this community.

    I acknowledge that the Feature Feedback section seems not very active, but I assure you, our team is aware of each request. That being said, in the past period I have been preparing some work, to provide more information about how we handle the Feature Feedback section, and also we are looking to find a way to improve the interaction in this section. The results of this should be visible in the upcoming weeks.



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    Tristan Stania

    Guys, can you please consider this. Bookmarks, export and share. It's minimal functionality..... Is use dmss but that app is so unreliable. I'm really struggling to find any decent camera platform that has a half decent app....

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    Joel Sabine

    +1 for this... we get asked reasonably frequently about bookmarks, export and sharing from the mobile app. 

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    John Griffin

    Norman - Nx Support Any update on this? I was optimistic that with the launch of 5.0 this feature would be here, alas it looks as if the mobile app hasn't gotten nearly as much love as the desktop app, folders were added for grouping in 5.0 and those aren't in the app, none of the new analytics features can be accessed from the app, and we still cant view, edit or modify bookmarks or export footage? is there any kind of large scale mobile app milestone we can look forward to here? the desktop client and web clients have seen a full overhaul but the app remains largely the exact same.

    Sadly the world is starting to shift towards mobile first. in my larger commercial jobs the thick clients are perfect but for small businesses most of my customers never use the desktop client and use exclusively their phone for things, being used to apps like ring and eufy in their homes. These features are my number 1 largest customer complaint with the system. All my customers love the desktop software but the app is underwhelming since its basically just a read only player.

    additionally is the development roadmap public anywhere? it would be great to see where new features are planned out.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi John Griffin,

    Sorry, no updates so far about this feature, and I agree that the mobile application could use a bit more attention. 

    Please note, that mobile releases aren't synced with the VMS updates, there are released independently of each other.

    Since v22.5, you can view the bookmark in the mobile application.
    When you click on the 3 dots in the top right, when you're viewing a camera, you see the option Bookmarks and when this is selected, you're able to play back the bookmarks.

    I'm not sure if it is sad, that the world is moving to mobile first, since it has also many benefits, and it is up to us to respond to this change.

    We do not have public roadmaps, since we prefer to be agile, and add features if possible, but also be able to postpone features to avoid the delay of releases.


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    Vladimir Vagas

    Hi guys,

    I can also confirm that many customers require the mobile application is able to export screenshots or short videos. We are impatiently waiting for the app update. The world is increasingly moving to mobile phones.


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    Tristan Stania

    Does anyone have an idea on how many users there are for NX Witness? My users don't have PCs. I have to export video for them.....AND, then I need to convert the codec so they can play it on their phones.

    I think we need to crowd fund to support the development of this feature. It could be done with each of us paying for each camera via a licence or something.

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    Max Taiani

    Any update on this, we are are trying to implement this for customers and being able to export via the mobile app is a crucial requirement.

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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Export is coming this year as a Beta feature (need to turn it on in Beta settings)
    will become fully available somewhere next year.

    Also, link sharing is coming next year.

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    Tagir Gadelshin

    It's available as a Beta feature now (in app settings), and we will release it fully soon. 
    Max Taiani Tristan Stania Vladimir Vagas John Griffin Joel Sabine Nathanaël Nettenbreijer

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    John Griffin

    where can this beta be downloaded?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi John Griffin,

    This Beta feature is included in the 24.1.4 release of the Nx Mobile application, now available for download on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

    To use this feature—Video Download—make sure to enable it in the Beta Features menu, accessible via the Mobile App Settings. Please keep in mind that this feature is only compatible with version 6.0 of the VMS.

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