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    Hi Chris,

    This is likely the ONVIF implementation on the camera might be different than standard.
    If you can port-forward the camera to us , we will be able to check more and create a ticket to you.

    Are you able to provide the remote access?

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    chris chen

    OK!! When is it convenient to connect?

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    Hi Chris,

    We have helped to raise the ticket for you. 
    Please check your email inbox and provide the necessary information to us.
    Thanks for your assistance.


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    chris chen

    Thank you for your assistance

    The relevant information has been mailed to your mailbox

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    Hi Chris,

    I set a test rule on that camera and I trigger the camera output to test if the signal event can be detected also on Nx. There is a likely reason - The FLIR camera sends the output to their own alarm ports and those ports might not work in ONVIF but only FLIR's proprietary API. Ex: Ax8 model.

    If this is the case, then extra integration would be necessary. 

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    For the ONVIF input/output function:
    The test result is positive - I can see the event of signal input from the camera.
    So I can sure : 
    1) The camera output is functioned. 
    2) The camera input signal is functioned.
    3) The Nx Witness can detect the events and function correctly.
    4) You can try the configuration file HERE. (json file)


    Please follow the steps as described below:

    1. Remove the device from the system.

    2. Stop the mediaserver application and paste the resource_data.json file in the attachment at the following location:

      For Windows: C:\Program Files\Network Optix\Nx Witness\MediaServer
      For Linux: /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/bin/

    3. Now start the mediaserver application again.

    4. Add the device back again.

    To stop and start the media server, please do it as follows:

    • For Windows: Open the task manager, select tab ‘Services’ find the mediaserver application, right-click and select; Stop or Start
    • For Linux: Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following command; sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver stop or sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver start.

    After this, the request should be fulfilled.
    Thank you.

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