NX Mobile notifications received twice




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Alexander,

    I'm doubt the issue is related to the Mobile client.
    Can you share a screenshot of the rule you created that show the Event and the Action?


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    that's what I was thinking too, but the issue occurs even after I removed every rule and created a single new one. 

    Checking the Event Log for the rule, there is also ony one occurence but two notifications arrive at the mobile client. 


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Alexander,

    See THIS reply in another topic about the same subject, that explains the behavior you noticed.

    Change the interval of action to Instant and you won't get one additional notification after the dwell time.

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    Hi Norman - Nx Support

    thanks for pointing me to the topic. I agree with the other users that the described behavior with +1 notifications is undesired. 

    However, the double notification still occurs, even with interval of action set to instant. I created a Generic Event rule that can be triggered through the API testing tool. It correctly creates a single notification in the desktop client when action is set to "show desktop notifications". When the action is set to "send mobile notification", it instantly creates two mobile notifications on the iOS device when triggered. 

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    Marcel van Bergen

    Hi Alexander and Norman - Nx Support,

    I can confirm that mobile notifications are still sent twice to iOS devices. On my Android mobile app I receive the notifications correctly (only once) and single triggers produce two notifications on iOS.

    Client & Server:

    iOS app: 21.1.34070 (this one receives notifications twice)

    Android app: 21.1.34070 (this one receives notifications correctly, once per trigger)

    So looks like this issue is in the iOS backend or app.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Alexander and Marcel van Bergen,

    Thank you. The issue was reproduced and is a work in progress for our developers.

    I'll update this thread as soon as I know more.



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    Marcel van Bergen

    As per today I am recieving only one notification per event. App was updated to 21.2.34193 however I suspect it was a backend issue. Thx

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    I still receive them twice with 21.2.34193

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    Marcel van Bergen

    What I also did is remove the app, restart the iphone and re-install. I had one more app that showed notifications twice and after searching found that there are many issues with iOS notifications and re-installing was one of the recommendations.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Alexander,

    My apologies for the delayed response, I was on my holiday leave.

    Did you follow the suggestions of Marcel van Bergen? If so, did this resolve the issue for you as well?

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    I just tried that and it does indeed fix the problem. 

    After reinstalling the app, notifications are no longer received twice. 

    Thank you for your help. 

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