Start NX Meta Server in Ubuntu via terminal/CLI
How to start the NX Meta server in ubuntu via terminal or CLI?
The Nx mediaserver is a daemon and auto-starts.
Otherwise, you start it with the following command:
sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver start
And to stop it:
sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver stop
Or just a restart:
sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver restart
Norman-Nx-Support, I installed the NX Meta Server and Client in ubuntu
the NX apps are installed in this path /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin,
I gave this command -
sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver start
Failed to start networkoptix-mediaserver.service: Unit networkoptix-mediaserver.service not found.
I checked the dpkg - the apps are installed
Could you please give a solution for this error,
Thank you
I corrected the commands.
The commands I initially provided were for the regular Nx Witness VMS, for the Nx Meta VMS, the commands are obviously slightly different.
Norman-Nx-Support, I checked the status -
Could you please give some guidelines to solve?
thanks you
If you enter the following command;
sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver status
You'll get the status of the application.
The command;
service --status-all
is to display all OS related daemons running on your system.
To list ALL running services on your system I use:
systemctl list-units --type=service
Another option is:
ps -aux
Norman-Nx-Support, I run the command -
sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver status
the result -
And, for
ps -aux
I got -
For this command -
service --status-all
I got -
In this command, the NX app is not shown
Are the NX Meta is installed correctly or do I need to do anything?
Thank you for your help :-)
Are the NX Meta is installed correctly or do I need to do anything?
According to your screenshots, NxMeta is installed correctly. You don't need to do anything else for the installation.
Andrey Terentyev, Than you for your help :-)
Andrey Terentyev, Do you know, in which IP address is the NX Meta Server is running?
Is NX Meta Server runs in https://localhost:7001 or https://<ip_of_the_local_systen>:7001
Do you know, in which IP address is the NX Meta Server is running?
I can't know exact IP address(es) of your system. You can list ip addresses with
ifconfig -a
ip address list
Is NX Meta Server runs in https://localhost:7001 or https://<ip_of_the_local_systen>:7001
By default, the Server listens on all ip addresses in your system.
Andrey Terentyev, Thanks for the answers, thank you so much
Hi Hallan Souza,
Please keep the conversation in English.
If I understand your question correctly, the networkoptix-mediaserver.service doesn't start after the reboot?
The screenshot don't make that very clear, these only show the daemons starting with net and network.
You can check the status of the Network Optix Mediaserver daemon with either:
sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver status|grep Active
sudo systemctl status networkoptix-mediaserver.service|grep Active
The result should be looking like this:
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-01-26 10:36:17 CET; 22min ago
Obviously with a different time and date.
If the service isn't running, you could try two things; install the Network Optix mediaserver once again or enable the existing daemon as described in THIS support article.
In both cases it is recommended to reboot the system to verify if the daemon starts automatically after a reboot.
Final note; in case the issue persists, please open a new topic describing the issue, since the issue is most likely unrelated to the original question of the topic starter.
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