There is a problem with the hard drive mount




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi chris chen,

    Mounting the drive can be done anytime, but it would require a restart of the Nx Witness daemon before it can be seen and used in Nx.

    You restart the daemon with the following command:

    $ sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver restart
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    chris chen

    What format does the mounted external hard drive need to format? FAT32 or can I use the NTFS format?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi chris chen,

    Both formats should work, but it is preferred to use NTFS for various reasons, e.g. transfer speeds and maximum possible files sizes.

    That being said, for a Linux based system, I would use Ext4.

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    chris chen

    Hi Norman Graafsma,
    I'm sorry! Recently busy no time to test, today with a new hard drive to connect up and then use sudo lsblk to see that there are no mount points, there are new instructions for this support!
    Would you like to mount some Nx software on the hard drive before you can find it?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi chris chen,

    By default, USB storage is disabled for use and only intended to enable the USB storage, it does not describe the mounting of a disk.

    For the mounting of USB storage for your Raspberry Pi, please check THIS external support article.

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