Test Camera on Ubuntu Not Working as Expected / According to Documentation




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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hello Tony,

    The semicolon is interpreted as a separate command in the bash.

    The space is expected after the "-I" option, not the "=".

    The correct command in your case is the following

    ./testcamera -I "files=testvidhi.mkv; secondary-files=testvidlo.mkv; count=100"

    Thank you, we should definitely update the article.

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    Tony Luce

    Hi Andrey Terentyev

    Couple things:

    1. When I run the command with your updated syntax I get the following result (exactly the same as previous result).

    2. If you are correct every example on the Test Camera Emulator article on Support Portal has the wrong syntax (we should update it).

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    Andrey Terentyev


    1. When I run the command with your updated syntax I get the following result (exactly the same as previous result)

    I'm afraid you are not doing exactly as it was updated.
    Since the semicolon is interpreted as a separate command in the bash, the arguments should be enveloped by quotes: the opening quote before the files and closing quote after the  count=100 .

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    Tony Luce

    Copied and pasted your syntax below and that fixes the issue - which is different, as previously mentioned from Test Camera Emulator article. Can we please fix the article?

    ./testcamera -I "files=testvidhi.mkv; secondary-files=testvidlo.mkv; count=100"
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    Andrey Terentyev

    I've already updated the article.

    Waiting for the review is finished.

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    Tony Luce

    Andrey Terentyev - awesome. That'll save everyone some headaches. Thank you!

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