Display description column in bookmarks window




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    Tomasz Polus

    Hi Aleks, Hi Tuli,

    We like to use both bookmark windows: CTRL+B and right panel

    However, CTRL+B window has one big advantage which forces us to use it instead of right panel:

    In CTRL+B window we can click some field and we can press CTRL+C to copy its text data and use it anywhere we want. It automates more integrated processes then you can possibly imagine :-)

    For example, currently in our projects we programatically add bookmarks containing Google Map URL links similar like this:


    (unfortunately, we have to add this link into to tag field, because other fields (like for example description field) are invisible in CTRL+B window)

    So the operator can click this tag field, press CTRL+C , so in the clipboard he's got Google Maps URL with the GPS postition of the event where it took its place, so operator can paste this URL into the web browser window and see that place on the map in details.

    My suggestions for you for the next versions are :

    1) Add right click context menu option "Copy" to bookmark window/panel, because currently most operators don't even get the idea they can copy text data from bookmarks with CTRL+C. But once we tell them that, they use it a lot.

    2) Display "description" column. Currently this column is not visible, so we are forced to add all the text information into the TAG column ( I know it's bad solution, but there is no other solution ) , because this is currently the only way to be able to copy text data and URL links from bookmark window to some other places.

    3) Highlight URL links saved into the description field, so the operator can just click the link directly from the bookmark window or panel, to immediately open such URL inside of internal chromium web browser. Currently, operator must press CTRL+C in bookmark window to copy the link, and then open the browser and then paste the link there with CTRL+V.

    If you can do that, NX will be even more powerful tool for all kinds of web services integrations like GIS for example (and to be honest with you, currently NX is very weak in terms of geomapping - that is why we are forced to use Google Map links in bookmarks).


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    Tuli Dem

    I agree with Tomasz, When searching for bookmarks it's hard to find what you are looking for if the bookmark name doesn't describe the event.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Tomasz, Tuli,

    We have a list of bookmarks in the right panel, where description is displayed and if bookmark name is long its being transferred to another line.

    Does it have some other problems, or if there are any reasons why you prefer to use the bookmark log dialog instead?

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    Tuli Dem

    Hi Aleksandr,
    We man a 300 camera system where there are multiple different departments flagging events as they come up. Events range from safety to security to injuries etc.
    The bookmark bar on the right doesn’t really work as a tool when trying to find events when the range of time isn’t known.
    Pressing ctrl+B works a lot better in those scenarios.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Tuli, can you please elaborate more why exactly the bookmark bar doesn't work in your case? Is it it about number of bookmarks can be visible at a moment in a panel, absence of sorting or something else?

    Chances are we'll be putting a lot of efforts into the development of the right panel, trying to improve it and adapt for wide range of different scenarios, and won't be doing any major changes to the bookmark and event log dialogs.


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    Permanently deleted user

    Tomasz, thanks a lot. It clearly indicates the direction we should be going to.

    We'll try to get the bookmarks window and panel improved in an upcoming release.



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    Jerzy Pęczak

    I fully support Tomasz and I hope that Nx will take into account his suggestion.

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    Tomasz Polus

    Hi Aleksandr

    I'm checking version 4.2 now after 9 months and I don't see any improvements in bookmark window described in this thread. Was it moved from upcoming release to future releases? What is the current status in your roadmap?

    Also, bookmark search engine is not improved, still cannot find texr fragments (must type whole words or whole plate numbers) problem is described in this thread: https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360051453494-Bookmarks-search

    and you wrote you will fix it ASAP.

    Also, it was described here:




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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Tomasz, 

    Sorry, we couldn't fit it into the 4.2, but expecting to get it done in the 4.3 release.

    Will keep you updated.



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    Tomasz Polus

    Thank you for information. Cannot wait.

    I almost forgot to mention one more bug. Bookmark window (CTRL+B) has one small but very annoying problem. In this window, when you display and select many bookmarks and press CTRL+C (copy to clipboard), you only copy one field value into the clipboard (not even a row, but just one field from a single row ! ).

    On the other hand, event log window works properly. There is no problem to copy all selected events to clipboard (you copy all fields from multiple selected rows). Then you can paste it all for example to notepad or Excel as a table. Very useful !

    Please make sure bookmark window get the same functionalty as event log window. Thank you.


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    Permanently deleted user

    Thanks, Tomasz.

    We'll try to get it improved as well.

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    Tomasz Polus

    Hi Aleksandr

    We are now testing 5.0 beta and we don't see any improvement in this case. Please let us know, what is the progress ?


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tomasz Polus,

    I have to inform you that @... switched jobs and is no longer part of our team.

    I checked the 5.0 Beta to see how it was implemented, and when I create bookmarks, a description is added, and I can search for descriptions as well.

    Also, the issue of copying multiple lines and pasting only one was resolved, as you can see when I paste the content in my Text Editor.


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    Piotr Wnęk

    I confirm that this function is working properly. Exactly as Norman wrote. I did not find any abnormalities.

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