Show image in camerafootage when IO is triggered




  • Official comment
    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Marcel,

    Can you elaborate a bit more what it is you want to achieve? 

    Currently, there are quite some actions possible to notify an operator in case of an event. 

    1. Notification; a blinking frame appears around the camera
    2. Alarm Layout; a new tab opens and displays the camera(s) assigned to the event. 
    3. Open Layout; a new tab opens and displays the layout assigned to the event. 
    4. Text overlay; in the relevant camera, an (custom) text displays for a defined period of time in the image. 

    Besides that, the notification panel displays the applicable events as well. 


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    [Re-Post the use case for Marcel Lambrechts]

    Hi Norman,

    Basicly what I would like is a picture as in attached PDF file on one of the cams.

    As input 1 is activated the image changes to another picture

    As input 2 is activated the image changes to again another picture

    As input 3 is activated the image changes again to another picture.


    If possible:

    Always is displayed picture 1 – Startlights grey

    As input 1 is activated an overlay of yellow is shown in a part of the picture

    As input 2 is activated an overlay of green is shown in another part of the picture

    As input 3 is activated an overlay of orange is shown in again another part of the picture.

    In the last case it would be possible to show al colors at the same time when input 1,2 and 3 are activated.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Marcel Lambrechts

    Your request is noted. At this stage I don't have a way of achieving what you want, but allow me some time to discuss this internally to see if we can offer a proper, alternative, solution. 

    Stefaan Joos maybe you have some magic up your sleeve to achieve a solution for him? 

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    Stefaan Joos

    Yes that is possible, no magic required 😁

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    Norman - Nx Support


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    Tuli Dem

    Hi Norman, for those following this thread, can you please elaborate on what you mean by the comment above?


    Thank you.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tuli Dem,

    Jira is the internal tool we use to make an internal report, so we can discuss this feature with the applicable people. 
    I post this reference, so our team members know there is an internal thread available and how to find it (through the corresponding section and number). 

    So what it means? That we are discussing this option if and how we can add this to our software in the future. 

    That being said, if there is no reference, it could be that the feature is already on the roadmap and/or is internally already well known. 

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