Soft triggers control panel




  • Official comment
    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hello Stefaan,

    The screenshot you attached is one of the mockups which show how the soft trigger feature could evolve in future. 

    Moreover, it has not been added to the roadmap of 4.2, so there's no  even rough delivery time estimate.

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    Evgeny Balashov

    Stefan, you can try to implement something similar using a web page with a specific layout.

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    Jason Lee

    Stefaan, Nx team,

    A partner is developing similar use cases. They have a access control web application that can be embedded to Nx. Now it interacts with Nx via generic events and server APIs, such as to create event/bookmarks in Nx, pull streams (live/archived) from Nx. Few things they want to do:

    1. Click the bottom on the embedded webpage and add a camera to the same layout. (i.e. in Sefaan's snapshot, add the 4th camera to the same layout.

    2. Select time or an event and select a camera on the embedded webpage, (for example the first camera with a truck in the middle), then this camera on the layout will start playback video accordingly. 

    Do you see a way to do this now? Or can this be done in future releases?


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    Stefaan Joos

    i do not need to try that this with a webpage, i can do this the oldskool way, except, it is not inside the software, that is a pain in the ass

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    Stefaan Joos

    Yes it is possible with an external web-page, i just need to redesign the scalability 

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    Jason Lee

    Hello guys,

    Can you advise is there a way to achieve about use case (1) and (2).



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    Stefaan Joos

    hi Jason,

    I do not know how to do what you ask.

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    Hi Jason Lee,

    Thanks for chasing this thread, Unfortunately, your case is not possible at the moment.
    Your use case is trying to interact with the Desktop Client in a situational or programmable procedure.

    1. First, we need to understand what is client and what is server.
    Nx Witness provides the SERVER API, so you would be able to interact with the Nx mediaserver.
    You would be able to add the devices to SERVER, or pull the SERVER information or send the generic event to SERVER.

    2. Unfortunately, Nx Witness has not yet provided CLIENT API, so at the moment you are not able to configure the desktop client via external command or software. More specifically, automatically enable the fisheye dewarpping mode on the CLIENT, automatically and dynamically add a camera view to the layout on the CLIENT. This would not be able to achieve at the moment.

    So, in your case, you would like to use an external web page that triggers some actions to interact with the CLIENT to add a camera and directly playback on the CLIENT - This is not yet supported.

    The Nx Client API is on the roadmap, but the ETA and scope detail is not yet discussed, likely in one of the releases in the future. Thanks.

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    Hi Jason,

    Our developers are studying and looking for a solution or workaround for you.
    They would check if there is a way to achieve the goal.

    Please wait for the next notice.

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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hi guys,

    Regarding these tasks

    1. Click the bottom on the embedded webpage and add a camera to the same layout. (i.e. in Sefaan's snapshot, add the 4th camera to the same layout.

    2. Select time or an event and select a camera on the embedded webpage, (for example the first camera with a truck in the middle), then this camera on the layout will start playback video accordingly.

    There is the "c2pplayback" method in the GUI. You could embed a similar code into your web page for opening a camera on a layout.

    		var button = document.getElementById('button');
    		button.addEventListener("click", function(){
    			var camera = document.getElementById('camera');
    			var timestamp = document.getElementById('timestamp');

    As you can see in this example, "camera" is a textbox with cameraId and the "timestamp"  is a textbox with timestamp values.

    "timestamp" being set to "-1" makes the live stream of the camera be opened in the layout and paused.

    Clicking the "triangle" in the left-hand lower corner in GUI plays the live stream.

    Of course, you can set "timestamp" value according to your needs in order to playback records from the archive.


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    Jason Lee

    Hi Ichiro, Andrey,

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. We will give it a try and update here

    Really appreciate it!


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