Push Notifications and Event Rules Variables for HTTP Post Event




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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hello Matthew,

    It is already implemented for "Do HTTP request" action. Note that right now only Analytics Plugin and Generic events might generate the variable output.
    The placeholders syntax is:

    • {event.caption} is replaced with the event caption sent by a plugin;
    • {event.description} is replaced with the even description sent by a plugin;
    • {event.cameraId} is replaced by a corresponding camera guid;
    • {event.cameraName} is replaced by user-readable camera name, it’s skipped if for some reasons server doesn’t have a valid camera id (e.g. when the event was created by incorrect API call);
    • {event.eventType} is replaced by internal unique event identifier (e.g. “nx.stub.lineCrossing”);
    • {event.eventName} is replaced by human-readable event type (that’s the value shown in rules configuration widget, e.g. “Line Crossing”), it’s skipped if eventType id is incorrect.

    We are going to implement support for Push Notificaitons, Text Overlay and some other actions in 4.2.

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    Matthew Del Salto

    Text overlay to mobile?


    Anything on the roadmap for bookmark search or text overlay on mobile?


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    Matthew Del Salto

    Sergey Yuldashev I have a generic event sending the word "Vehicle" and the metadata is the camera ID.

    I am then trying to take that Generic Event and do an http request using {event.cameraId} as a variable in the URL. Does not work. Just comes in as {event.cameraId}

    are the variables only in the post data?



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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hi Matthew,

    > Anything on the roadmap for bookmark search or text overlay on mobile?

    Not in the roadmap yet.

    > are the variables only in the post data?

    Yes, the variables are available now only for "Do HTTP request" action as a POST data.

    Please see my previous response, the support for variables in Text Overlay and Push Notifications will likely be added in 4.2 version which is expected in 2021.

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    Reeve Hsu

    The endpoint receive the exactly same text as contents, not variable data

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    Dmytro Kravchenko


    Any changes to this issue? I need the same for my Slack integration with "do HTTP request" and need a camera name or IP in the reporting content.

    As I understood, 2 years ago this post was created =)

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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hello Dmytro Kravchenko,

    As of 4.2 all the mentioned substitutions work for "Generic Event" and "Analytics Event" sources.
    I.e. {event.cameraName} actually works right now:


    Camera IP was not listed before and is not yet implemented. But AFAIK, more parameters are to come in the future versions.

    Unfortunately, embedding the substitutions to other actions like HTTP overlay or Mobile Pushes have been postponed.  

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    deyatch deyatch

    Hello Sergey Yuldashev,

    Is it possible add the placeholder syntax (e.g. {event.description}) to Default System Event (e.g. "Network Issue")?

    I want to add HTTP(s) Content with placeholder syntax included on Default System Event.


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    Sergey Yuldashev

    Hello deyatch deyatch,

    Unfortunately, not at the moment. In version VMS 5.1 and the upcoming 6.0 the placeholder syntax is only available for the Analytics and Generic event types.

    But the list will be expanded to all of the available event types in the version planned for the next(2025) year. Basically the next one after 6.0 being released later this month.

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