Order of server connections
CompletedIs it possible to have the option to change the order of NX servers on the welcome screen to be in alphabetical order when viewed from NX client
I know theirs the search option but Alphabetical just seems logical to me
Hi Lance, Glynn!
I'm responsible for user experience and new improvements and features in Nx.
Can you provide a specific problem that you are trying to solve?
Maybe showing different events on the timeline would solve this? e.g. if you will be able to see all types of events on the timeline (including Generic event).
now you are able to set an event rule with a Generic event and action will be Log or Show Desktop Notification.
For color differentiation "Priority" field on the action side can be used (we also have plans for this, but not solid ETA)
What do you think? -
Lance, Glynn
Sorry for the inconvenience. I was giving an answer for another ticket about colored bookmarks and misclicked
Here I was planning to answer, that we are preparing a new welcome screen in one of our upcoming releases. There you will be able to hide systems or add favorite ones. You will be able to sort out only systems with those states. See the screenshot below. Sorting will always put favourites and cloud systems on top of locally discovered, not-favourite and hidden systems
so can you give feedback if these welcome screen improvements will help you to navigate between systems? This will allow you to put any frequently used systems on top or hide unnecessary ones
This is a very early mockup and I can't give ETA for this. Also the final solution can change during the development -
Hi Tagir,
The ability to change the default view will be useful. I would also like to be added the ability to order Alphabetically and Last used (1st server being the last accessed, 2nd server being the 2nd last accessed and so on).
I like the colour coding too.
Looking great!
The new welcome screen is added to the latest release, Nx Witness 5.0 which available at this moment.
Hi Lance McCormick,
I like the idea. Unfortunately, such a request isn't scheduled at the moment. But I have created an internal feedback form for our product team to take such an idea into consideration.
Hi ,
Do you have any updates on customizing the systems list on the welcome screen?
It would also be super helpful if we could group them into folders.
I’m currently on v6.0 and managing around 200 systems across multiple NX versions.
Not all of them are labelled with client names (some use client numbers, geographical sites, etc.), which makes it pretty tricky to quickly find the one we need.
Thank you in advance
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