NX media server stops and starts every 30 seconds or so




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    chris gill

    Upgraded to Ubuntu 20 LTS . still doing it.

    anyone with any ideas please??????????


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    Anton Babinov

    Hello Chris,

    if mediaserver application stops/starts every 30 seconds, it might indicate that process crashes and we'd need to take a look at crash dumps from your machine. Please take steps bellow to provide us with the data which would help us to solve your problem:

    1. Make sure you're running up-to date version of the software. It should be 5.1.5 or 6.0.x build. 

    2. Follow step from this support article to collect crash dumps.

    3. Follow steps from this support article to collect mediaserver's log files. As your mediaserver process seems unstable, please follow steps from "Directly from the application directory" section.

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