Storage issues, HDD is slowing down recording for camera



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    Anderson Chang

    Hi Elijah G Webb,

    Here are the support articles talking about the storage error on Nx Witness:

    Generally, if the Nx Server only reports a low number of storage issues per day, and there is no footage loss, it's likely not a cause for concern. However, if the Nx Server reports storage issues with higher frequency, it may indicate a problem that needs to be addressed.

    As a precaution, please provide the following information for analysis:

    • Could you refer to this support ARTICLE to export the Storage Issue entries from the Event Log and share the log file with us?
    • Please check if any periodic tasks are running on the Dell PowerEdge server or any other tasks that may access the storage device.


    • Please refer to this support ARTICLE to set the server log level to DEBUG, so we can capture more detailed logs if required later.
    • If possible, please stop the recording on all cameras and perform a health check on the HDDs to ensure they are in good condition.
      Afterward, remove the video archive index file (.nxdb) on the storage volume and run the reindex process.

    Regarding the configuration:

    changed from h.265 to h.264

    The H.265 should create less traffic and bitrate compared to H.264, you may want to consider reverting to H.265 to reduce traffic.


    We have received the support ticket you submitted as well, please reply to the ticket mail for further tracking and analysis of this issue.

    Thank you.

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