Which NX Server version does Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 support?
AnsweredI have a CM4-to-Pi3-Adapter with RPI CM4 attached to. I read the https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035919314-ARM-Support-Policy but the post seem old and I cannot see if my product works well with Nx (I try installing Raspberry Pi OS 64bit and latest Nx-ARM based server on it and it can work). Anyone please tell me what can I do to enhance best performance on this case. Thank you very much!!!
Hi minh le,
The Raspberry Pi CM4 is a variant model from the standard Raspberry Pi 4, which is equipped with the same chipsets as the standard model.
Therefore, the support for the CM4 is the same as that for the Raspberry Pi 4.
Please refer to the instructions in this support ARTICLE for installing the Nx Witness on the CM4.Thank you.
Hi Anderson Chang,
I intend to build a multi-server system like this
I will all the Edge Rpi server to the center server and maybe sync the video record at each side (4 - 8 cams) to the NAS/SAN at the center to ensure no record loss. Do you have any recommends for me? Thank you
Hi minh le,
You can create such multiserver system, however we have no test results for the number of ARM servers you can merge in a hive. For sure, not the same number of servers as for a x64 system. We're more likely talking about a handful of devices per system.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean with Nx Central Server, since all servers within a system are equal.
For failover, please refer to THIS part of the in-client manual. If the devices are connected to each other over the internet, you could use failover, but you need to assure all devices can communicate within the same subnet, for example through a VPN connection.
What I mean here is that I want a system that have a thousand of cameras. There are multiple sites, each site has about 4 cameras and a NX server so that I can merge later. The NX Central Server here means a stronger server than a Pi (or miniserver at each site). All the servers at sites will be merged into the central server for monitoring and divide the hardware resources. This is just my thought about the system design in my case. Do you have recommends for me? Thank you!!!
Hi minh le,
A thousand cameras, and 4 cameras on each RPI servers means 250 servers with in a system, something we would recommend, since issues will occur since the RTT will be too long to keep the server settings synchronized and there is a serious risk of a endless synchronization loop.
What I would so, is divided my project in individual sites, and merge the server per site, and add these to the Nx Cloud, and add each site to the Nx Cloud.
Currently, we offer something called cloud layouts, and this enables you to add resources (cameras) in a single layout from multiple sites/servers. This feature is currently a Beta feature, but should be officially release in the next release, version 6.0.
Also, in the near future, we'll enhanche the Nx Cloud to enable you navigate even easier among cloud conected sites.
It the central server doesn't hold any cameras, forget about it, since that is not how the hive synchronisation works. See THIS article for the explanation of how the hive synchronization works. -
I have read the article about server hive and still can't get it well. In my case, instead of using Nx cloud, should I divide 1000 cams into 125 cams each. So there will be 8 Nx servers, each contains 125 cams, all merged together. Do you think that's ok and scalable?
Hi minh le,
It depends on the use, if you use a ton of analytics, the number of devices per server should be lowered.
Also, when failover is required, you might want to build in some extra capacity.If you can share your country of residence, I'll connect you to our presales team, and they should be able to assist in the design of your system.
Suppose I have 125 sites with 4 cameras each site and some Nx servers merged together. How can I build a system with Nx that sastify these conditions: When the Internet/VPN at one site goes down, the cameras is recorded at local storage of the site. When Internet is ok again, Nx can view playback of camera when it was offline. Does it make sense please tell me
Hi minh le,
If failover is enabled, and you need to use an internet connection + VPN to failover, data will be lost if the server is down ánd the failover server can't be reached. In such case, it is better to have a local failover server or a redundant internet connection.
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