Issue with RealTime Panel Object Updates in Nx Client




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    Hi Vikram

    I am not very sure if I understand your description correctly, please correct me if I am wrong. 

    However, from the description you provided, I am afraid you may be confused by the tab of object and notification.


    The notification tab would populated the message while you have configure the event rules - Meaning while faces are detected, then show desktop notification. That is not automatically popped out but a configurable user preference settings.

    The object tab(either on the top of vide feed or the right panel) - that is a panel or summary of all the objects, so you would be able to see all the objects were detected. And it is shown while you enabled the tab, as well as the boundary boxes of the object and its overlay if existed. From the system I had, every detected objects are shown on the panel less than 1 seconds once detected (show on the screen), in the case I am using the Cloud connect to the system and the speed is about 120Mbits download / 60Mbits upload, fyi.


    So basically, from the description you mentioned, your plugin might be working fine, but you need to configure the event-rules, if you want to see the "notification".

    You may check the user manual for more detail in regard of Event-rules.
    Hope this helps.


    It is likely I am misunderstanding your question, if you can have a screen recording to explain the exact behavior that you think that is not correct, it would be appreciated.


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    Thank you for your response.

    The actual issue was that I had not defined the typeLibrary in the manifestString.

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    Hi Vikram

    OK, thanks for the updates.

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