iOS client - no cameras when connecting via Cloud




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    Iwan Bourgonje

    We have the same problems here after the ios app update

    It works well on windows computers

    We use our own server with software version


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    mathijs brugmans

    Same here...
    On different systems.

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    Vitalii Kostiv

    Hi! I have the same problem on IOS device, version 24.1

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    Hi Przemysław Adamiak, Iwan Bourgonje,mathijs brugmans,Vitalii Kostiv

    Thanks for the feedback, This is a known issue on the 24.1 and we are trying to fix it in the highest priority. 
    We will try to deliver the fix in a short time likely in next week.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


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    Adam Shaw

    The problem is actually worse than this. 

    We have userswith limited permissions on cameras who can now see all the other cameras on the server (but not the video feed) in their list.

    This needs to be fixed now.

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    Hi Adam Shaw,

    Thanks for your reply. It is the same issue in role/user group. 
    The developer is working on the fix, likely it will be delivered by next week if possible.

    Thanks for your understanding and appreciate your patience.

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    Gode Kartveli

    so as not to wait long for it to be corrected. return version 23.1 to the App store and we will download it to our phone. Question for Nx support: can you do this?

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    Simon Faulkner

    Same issue also noticing that Soft Buttons are missing for users - they work OK for Admin

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    Adam Shaw

    Curious to know why so many things have broken/why wasn’t it tested before update was released to the public?

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    Iwan Bourgonje

    We have 50 iPad users who can't see anything right now
    Please fix it or roll back 

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    Gode Kartveli

    FYI: in the Google store (for Android) Nx Witness version 23.2, but in the App Store 24.1,  please return version 23.2 in the App Store (For IOS)

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Dear Przemysław Adamiak, Iwan Bourgonje, mathijs brugmans, Vitalii Kostiv, Adam Shaw, Gode Kartveli, Simon Faulkner,

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue. Please know that are aware of the reported issue, and addressing this issue has the highest priority, and our team is working diligently to resolve it.

    Your patience and understanding are truly valued as we strive to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

    Best regards.

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    Adam Shaw

    Probably a good idea that an informer was sent out detailing the list of issues the latest iOS update had as looking at these comments they seem extensive. We were only notified by our customers and would have been good to know about them ourselves first, instead of having egg on our face.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Adam Shaw,

    I totally agree, and will address this internally.

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    Same problem here, on MAC OS and Windows seems to be working, If you create a custom layout in Windows, the customer can see this layout and the cameras in the app, but in the system it shows 0 cameras and the custom layout, and as soon as you select the layout, your customer can operate it. . What is also striking is that if you log in as admin it all seems to work. It is also very annoying that in the overview (when opening the app) all systems show OFFLINE, while if you select them they are still online and can be accessed.

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    Gode Kartveli

    do you have any updates?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hello  Przemysław Adamiak, Iwan Bourgonje, mathijs brugmans, Vitalii Kostiv, Adam Shaw, Gode Kartveli, Simon Faulkner, Mark,

    I'm pleased to inform you that the issue has been effectively addressed and resolved. We anticipate that the updated version will be available in app stores within a matter of days. 

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,

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    benoit lecomte



    any update? This is so critical.

    How can't it be rolled back to the previous release version? 

    We can't justify no access to our customers anymore

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    Iwan Bourgonje

    When will the update be available ? What do I tell the users?

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    benoit lecomte

    The lack of feedback on such a critical issue is so unprofessional.

    Nx product in itself is good but I'm considering not working anymore with NX for customers who need the cloud infrastructure as it often falls.

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    Norman - Nx Support


    Again , I want to express my sincerest apologies for this issue. I feel your pain. My workload also increased significantly due to this issue and feel the pressure you have as well.

    At this moment, I have no different information than I posted Thursday.

    We anticipate that the updated version will be available in app stores within a matter of days.

    For your information, we can't control the moment of publication, only the moment we upload the builds.

    For Android users, they can sideload the 'old' app by following these instructions:

    The apk files can be downloaded here:

    Before sideloading the application, remove the application from your phone, otherwise it will use the latest version. Obviously, also disable auto-updating the app.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding

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    Sergey Bystrov


    We anticipate to push new versions within few hours.

    We apologize for the inconvenience. Somehow that version was made through QA( we are doing a homework on it). Moving forward, regardless of QA we changed the process:

    Treat mobile release - more like a cloud release(have an option of urgent rollback).
    1) Together with the new version, a rollback version also must be built, smokecheked and used in case of emergency.
    2) Rollback can be triggered by support or product manager.
    3) The release engineer is either available to do a rollback(anytime within a week around the release) or does not start the original release process.

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    Simon Faulkner

    Sounds like a sensible upgrade to the release process - thank you.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi all,

    We're happy to inform you that the updated version of the Nx Mobile app is now available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. We apologize for the delay in getting this resolved, but we're pleased to announce that the issues reported have been addressed in this version.

    Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we understand the frustration or inconvenience this may have caused. Please accept our sincere apologies for any stress or disappointment you may have experienced.

    Rest assured, we've taken proactive steps internally to prevent similar issues in the future. Additionally, we've implemented measures to expedite any necessary rollbacks faster should such situations arise again.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this matter. 
    We appreciate your continued support.

    Best regards,

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    Iwan Bourgonje

    The update works 

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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Hey, everyone 
    I'm the Director of Product here @ Nx. Sorry I haven't posted here earlier, but our co-founder & CTO did and I had nothing to add at that moment. + I was dealing with this situation and post-mortems internally.

    So that you know -- we took this very seriously and had many discussions on process changes and how not to not let this happen in the future. Main changes were outlined by Sergey earlier. 

    We also understand the root cause is a significant code revamp that we did in preparation for 6.0, which is in Beta now, but it is not an excuse. We should do more internal testing when there are bigger changes in the code. Also, one additional problem we identified is the lack of beta testing for our mobile clients. Although we do them, they don't get enough adoption/usage.
    As a product team, we'll try to invest more in this moving forward.

    We have such plans for improvements on all levels (Product, QA, Dev), so I'm confident we will significantly minimize the chances of such incidents. And even if they happen, rollback will be one click away to minimize the impact. 

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    Simon Faulkner

    Thank you for the frank and open reply.

    It is a PITA and embarrassing when product fails for customers BUT I understand that there is a price to pay for a product that is being developed and getting better all the time so please sign me up for beta testing and keep adding the features that we need to make us better than the other vendors out there.

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