NX Witness Advanced button
CompletedI have the latest NX Witness installed running in a Linux server (v5.1.2.37996) with same client version.
The system was running fine but now I clic on "Advanced..." button but system do nothing.
With same PC client I connected to other servers and the "Advanced..." button goes to advanced objet search. And from other cPC clients connecting to same server, I can clic in the "Advanced..." button and the advanced object search opens.
Any clues?
Thanks in advance
Jose Luis
Hi, forget the issue.
Now it is resolved.
It seems to be related to use a PC client with 2 screens with different resolution, FullHD and 4K.
When opening the advanced windows in the 4K screen and later trying to open in the FullHD it doesn't open.
But now I opened the main screen in FullHD and clicking in the advanced button, it open in the right way.
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