3rd party plugin licensing capabilities




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    Sergey Bystrov

    Thanks for the question.
    We will get back to you shortly.

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    Andrey Terentyev


    Nx Witness licenses are bound to a one or several HWIDs in the System.

    You could request them with /rest/v2/licenses.

    There are no technical restrictions for  binding you licenses to those HWIDs,

    Alternatively, do you offer some plugin licensing support API/SDK or functionality already?

    There is not specific licensing support for plugin developers. It's up to developers how to implement licensing.

    Could you share your ideas, what would you expect of  such a licensing functionality?

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    Bruno Oliveira

    Could you share your ideas, what would you expect of  such a licensing functionality?

    Minimal functionality would be to allow to get a unique HWID via the NxWitness plugin API. Is this available at the moment?

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    Hi Bruno Oliveira,

    There is an API for retrieving the HWIDs of a specific server. Please refer to the following URL: 


    You would get the list of all HWIDs which are bound to the server, you can choose one of the HWIDs that has the prefix with 05 (i.e. the latest version of HWID, others are all used for the old version of Nx Witness for backward compatible)


    Hope this helps.



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