How to get rtsp link of camera by NX SDK?




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    Andrey Terentyev


    That's correct. IDeviceInfo does not store nor provides urls of RTSP streams of a camera.

    You should use Server REST API inside your plugin - /rest/v2/devices/{id}.

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    Phan Hoang Nam


    We have tried to use the Server REST API but it need to authenticate with server using server credentials.

    The problem is we are deploying server to our customer, we can't have their server credentials. We only have the username and password of camera from the plugin so we can't call Server REST API.

    Can you help us with this?

    Thank you.

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    Andrey Terentyev


    The problem is we are deploying server to our customer, we can't have their server credentials.

    In this case, there might be several solutions.

    1. You could ask your customer to create a special account for the purpose of invoking Server API or declare it as a prerequisite for deployment.

    2. You could assign stream path manually in the plugin settings windows during plugin configuration. For that, you'll need to configure device agent setting model to have such a setting.


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    Phan Hoang Nam

    Thank you Andrey Terentyev

    I have settled for just manually finding the onvif account with a plugin in Python. For other customer, I made a website to ask them to input the server credentials for camera info.

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