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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Burak Gures,

    In the camera configuration menu, please check in the Video/Audio menu in the Video tab if the under Video Type it is set to Video&Audio, instead of Video only.

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    Burak Gures

    Hi Norman, it's set to video and audio

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    Burak Gures

    If I was watch from the camera URL I can hear audio but in NX client the enable audio is greyed out and cannot hear any sound

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    Norman - Nx Support

    HI Burak Gures,

    First, delete the camera and add it again, preferbly via auto-discovery and check again.

    If it still doesn't work, please take the following steps:

    For initial diagnostics, use the Onvif device test tool.
    Follow this instruction and let us know the results:
    1. Install the software on the machine which is on the same network as a camera. Install ffdshow (ODTT installer will show you the button "Install ffdshow").
    2. Select proper NIC.
    3. Press "Discover Devices".
    4. Choose needed device from the list of found devices.
    5. Provide device credentials.
    6. Press "Probe" and "Check" to obtain device information.
    Running Tests:
    7. Go to "Diagnostics" tab.
    8. Choose "Test cases" from tabs on the left of the window.
    9. In your case, select test cases for audio backchannel streaming (2-way audio).
    10. Make sure that other tests cases are not selected since its execution can take a long time.
    11. Press "Run selected" button.
    12. Wait while tests are running. You can stop running tests at everytime with buttons "Stop" / "Halt".

    Finaly, On the right half of the window you can see detailed information about highlighted test case: passed and failed steps, requests that were sent on this step and responses to those requests.

    You can save information about testing session in XML format using "Save" button.
    If all lines are red - please share the XML output with us.

    If you don't have access to the Onvif device test tool, you can also forward the device, and we will run the test. If that is the case, please let us know, and we'll open a support ticket on your behalf, so you can share the login credentials confidentially.

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    Burak Gures

    I removed and re-added the camera and now the model is showing DS-2CD2365G1-I...Weird...


    I can share teamviewer to either my pc with the nxclient or the server. Obviously privately in a support ticket

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Ticket has been created.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    We ran some tests in the Onvif Device Test Tool, and it looks like audio is not supported through Onvif and should be resolved by the camera manufacturer.

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