hikvision iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHSY




  • Official comment
    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Evert van Dijk,

    Please refer to the details in this article and the note below.

    The Hikvision DS-2CD4A26FWD-(IZHS)(LZS)/P and Hikvision DS-2CD7A26G0/P-(LZ(H)S)(IZ(H)S) are currently the only supported models that support LPR based on the ISAPI with firmware v5.4.5 170519.

    Since Hikvision changing its integration method for iDS models, it is expected that the LPR event cannot work with Nx at the moment. The feature is listed in our future plan, however, the schedule is not confirmed yet.

    Thank you.



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    Evert van Dijk

    Hi Wendy,


    But the camera is on the supported list



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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Evert van Dijk,

    I'm afraid that you misunderstand the support list.

    The IPVD page displays a list of the supported devices based on the statistics reports - which are collected from our user's system automatically.  Typically, it just guarantees there're more than 3 devices ever registered to the user's Nx system for basic management. 

    For the in-camera analysis features, please refer to our support article or contact your local distributor for detailed information.

    Thank you.

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    Raydon Vetten

    Hi Wendy Chuang,

    After reading the post(4 months ago) about this particular issue and this one I have contacted our local distributer to get the firmware version needed for the camera below:


    They have come back to me saying that this particular camera does not have a firmware version:

    firmware v5.4.5 170519

    And that this version of firmware is only for this camera:


    Could you possibly direct me to the firmware version I would need?



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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Raydon Vetten,

    Please share the following detailed information with us,

    - The screenshot of the Camera Setting > General page on the Nx Witness
    - The Nx software version that you are using now
    - Any problem with the analytic event while using the latest camera's firmware version

    Thank you. 

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    Guilhem Decoux

    Hi Evert van Dijk and Marcel van Bergen,

    Both of you got a ticket opened for iDS-2CD7A46G0/P-IZHS (https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1500000132102-Hikvision-iDS-2CD7A26G0-P-IZHS-LPR-Issue)

    Were you able to get the LPR information in Nx Bookmark or not ?

    The previous series can't be bought anymore in France, so we must move to iDS-2CD7A46G0/P-IZHS and still can't find any solution to get at least the LP number (we don't care about other metadata for now).


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    Evert van Dijk

    Hi Decoux Guilhem

    SmartSD.com has custom  fw for this camera then it works with v4.2


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    Guilhem Decoux

    Thanks Evert van Dijk !

    Norman - Nx Support and James Cox the custom firmware might be a good deal until the LPR is natively supported again by Nx (after you made integration again, or after they change back to common ISAPI).

    Next step will be to get IDS as metadata, not bookmark...


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Guilhem Decoux,

    Last night I had a conversation with Hikvision, and they have released V5.5.130_210510 which should contain ISAPI support again, so the new cameras should work in Nx.

    I didn't get the firmware yet and haven't read the release notes, but if you reach out to your local Hikvision contact person, they should be able to provide you this new firmware.

    When they provided the download link with me, I'll share it here as well.

    Please let us know if this resolved the issue for now.

    In the end we'll support iDS firmware, but that will take some time.

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    Marcel van Bergen

    Guilhem Decoux, it was not yet resolved for me.

    Apparently the iDS-2CD7A46G0 has a different ASAPI implementation. I understand that NX Witness calls /ISAPI/Traffic/channels/1/vehicleDetect/plates which is unsupported for the firmware loaded on the iDS.

    As a workaround I am deriving the number plate from the image filename with a script outside of NXW however this is not ideal. A custom firmware would be better...

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    Marcel van Bergen

    Norman - Nx Support, I did find V5.5.130_210510 (HikVision Europe) and can confirm it is working with NXW.

    Thanks for the hint! HikVision analytics rules now notify license plates including white- / blacklist etc.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Marcel van Bergen,

    Great find! Can you share the download link for other interested people?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Thanks Marcel van Bergen,

    I also figured out, why I couldn't find it. For some reason this page gives an error when opened with the Firefox browser, but works just fine with Chromium.

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